Why Narrative Transformation?
We live in a world of ever-changing stories. Stories about ourselves. Stories about others. Stories about the past we build on and about the futures we dare to imagine.
At The Narrative Transformation Lab, our theory of change is that the stories we tell can give rise to peace just as much as they do conflict. Building a more just and peaceful world requires telling better stories—and that means building a better understanding of narrative and conflict transformation.
Learn about narrative transformation: its core concepts; its research methodologies; and its best practices. Connect with theories and tools to help you build your capacity for narrative transformation.
Discover new paths to narrative transformation. Play games, participate in activities, and dive into rabbit holes. Get comfortable with following your curiosity and exercising your imagination.
Engage with a community of scholars, researchers, practitioners, and storytellers who all have one thing in common: the desire to build a more just and peaceful world through narrative transformation.
Narrative Transformation Guides
Narrative Transformation Resources
Mission, Vision, and Values
Narrative at the Carter School