Narrative Coursework

The Carter School regularly offers three courses on narrative at the graduate level. All of these courses can be taken to fulfill the requirements of the “Media, Narrative, and Public Discourse” concentration in the Master’s of Science program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution.

Dramatic photo of an open book with gold-leaf edge, it's page fanning out as it rests on the ground.
CONF 704: Narrative Approaches to Conflict Analysis

This course provides participants with the analytic tools needed to conduct their own research on conflict and conflict resolution, using a narrative perspective. This course enables students to a) review the key narrative research in the field of conflict resolution; b) design a narrative analysis of conflict; c) conduct a narrative analysis of conflicts.

A laptop and a notebook with lined pages and a pen on top of it pictured on top of a dark wooden table.
CONF 705: Conflict and Discourse Analysis

The study of discourse, culture, narratives, and public interpretations is becoming ever more important to the field of conflict analysis and resolution. In this class we explore these concepts as they have been used in cutting edge approaches to the analysis and resolution of conflict.

Long-perspective photo of a chaotic bookstore interior. The bookshelves are packed and book piles accumulate on the floor and other surfaces. Posters hang from the ceiling, out of focus. A man in a dark jacket peruses the shelves.
CONF 757: Conflict and Literature

The purpose of this course is to teach students to read/interpret written and oral texts; explore what imaginative literature can teach us about the causes, motives, dynamics, and possibilities of resolving violent social conflicts; deepen our understanding of the human dimensions of conflicts involving mass movements for social transformation; and practice creating imaginative works of their own.

If you are a current or prospective Carter School student interested in learning more about the narrative coursework offered at the Carter School, reach out to us via our contact page.