Activities and Games

Three people with blurred and shadowed silhouettes appear in the foreground of the photo. Behind them, the Jefferson Memorial in D.C. can be seen in focus. The photo takes place on a summer day, and the memorial is reflect on the blue water of the tidal basin in Washington, D.C.


What’s Your Root Narrative Profile?

Find out what your justice language is with this Root Narrative Theory quiz.

Backlit photo of a student participating in the Headphone Disco at George Mason University. The backlit student, who is entirely in shadow, is wearing a set of headphones. The light behind the student is a bright, neon blue and is coming from a DJ-stage set up for the disco.


Dancing in the Dissonance

Encourage curiosity and imagination with this music-based lesson plan.

We periodically add new activities and games to this page. If you have further questions about the resources offered here, reach out to us via our contact page.